Casey stasy lesbian fondling

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'Sexual education is no way near comprehensive enough as all of these things I've had to learn myself, treat myself & diagnose myself. 'My vagina has been an unending and constant source of turmoil for me – not that vaginas are intrinsically female, it's just happened to be a big part of womanhood for me personally – UTI's, PH imbalances, sexual dysfunction, pain, discomfort,' she shares. Stasey's own personal obstacles have also inspired her decision to launch the website, and she speaks candidly about her sexual health as well as her path to womanhood.

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I'm happier being fluid and I'm happier being honest.' Compartmentalizing myself only leads to condemnation & contradiction.

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'I know it troubles many people for me to refer to myself as a lesbian considering I have a male partner,' Stasey, who is currently in a relationship with Raising Hope's Lucas Neff, revealed. 'I think they gather that it trivializes the plight of the LGBTQIA community & although that couldn't be further from the truth at this point in my life I'm trying to steer as far from labeling as possible.

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